What is the size of struct?

5 01 2012

In a 32 bits system I have one struct like that :
struct demo {
  int a;
  char b;
  int c;

What is the size of this struct (without compiler optimizations)?

9 bytes? Wrong! 12 is the correct answer. Are you surprised?

And if we put one more thing:
struct demo {
  int a;
  char b;
  int c;
  char d;

And now? Can you guess the size?

10?? Wrong again… 16!

Ok, one more chance… if I change de order of the elements in the structure? Like this:
struct demo {
  int a;
  char b;
  char d;
  int c;

If the last one was 16, so… 16 again?!?! Wrong again! Actually, now the correct answer is 12!

First of all the compiler (gcc) without optimization uses word byte size, so always use a 4x mulpltiplicator value.

So, in the first case, instead of using 9, it uses 12

In the second case, is the same idea, but instead of 10 we have 16, because after the third element we already have 12, plus 1 byte, it jumps to 16.

It works for the third case too.

So, the order of the elements on the structure matters for the struct size.

PS.: if you need memory optimization and it’s important tou you to have the exact size of the struct, on gcc you can compile with -fpack-struct

Did you get it? I hope so…

Fast and easy way to do some multiplications

30 12 2011

Most of computers have the shift left instruction.

Shifting the bits by “x” positions to left, is equivalent to multiplication by x^2.

In this case…

int a = 4;
int b = 0;
b = a<<1;
/* Now, b value is 8 */
b = a<<2;
/* Now, b value is 16 */

That’s all folks!

Constant strings

19 12 2011

Usually I need to open a file stream or a file descriptor to write something in that.

I used to create a new string, concatenating the directory (usually some macro) with the file name.

Something like this:

#define DIR    "/tmp/alice/files/"
FILE *fs = NULL;
char filename[500] = {0};
snprintf(filename, 500, "%s/file.txt", DIR);
fs = fopen(filename, "a+");

But an easy way to do that is to use the facility of constant strings:
#define DIR    "/tmp/alice/files/"
FILE *fs = NULL;
fs = fopen(DIR "file.txt", "a+");

In my opinion, this way is easier to read and certainly faster.

Bruno Soares.


16 12 2011

One thing that I like in GLib is this macro: “g_return_if_fail” and “g_return_val_if_fail”.

But if you don’t use GLib or you have your own trace system, you can create your own macro, something like this:

#define return_if_fail(expr) if (!(expr)) {trace("[%s] - expr '%s' failed", __FUNCTION__, #expr); return;};

#define return_val_if_fail(expr, val) if (!(expr)) {trace("[%s] - expr '%s' failed", __FUNCTION__, #expr); return val;};

And with this macro, you can change your way to check the intergrity of your variables:

Common way:

if(var == NULL) {
printf("var == NULL\n");
return 1;

You can use:

return_val_if_fail(var != NULL, 1);

PS.: if you don’t have your own trace function, you can just change the “trace” for “printf” or “fprintf” function.

This is an easy, fast and nice way to trace the problems.